Five Minute Chess Tournament Results
06 March 2010

Ravi Limaye 110111111111111
Steve Roelke0 10111111111102-3
Richard Glass00 1111111111102-3
Henrik Nazarian110 00111111194
Randy Hoffman0001 ½11111115-6
Alfred Balaian0001½ 11111115-6
Zareh Davidian000000 11111167
Matthew Davison0000000 1111158
Marvin Radding00000000 111149
Steve Short000000000 111310
Seth DeWees0000000000 11211
Keith Ayers00000000000 1112
Avi Albo000000000000 013

At David Zechiel's house in Lake Forest

Standing l-r: Richard Glass, Ravi Limaye, Marvin Radding, Zareh Davidian, Randy Hoffman, Alfred Balaian, Avi Albo, Matthew Davison

Seated l-r: Keith Ayers, Seth DeWees, Steve Short, Steve Roelke, Henrik Nazarian

Not Pictured: David Zechiel, tournament director. Dave is experiencing eye problems and was unable to play.